Greetings to all my special friends, girlfriends, Bella and Clover... and too many other girlfriends to count. I want to share something that's happened here at home, and I need an honest opinion. First, a question for all the four-legged beauties out there: Do you like the smell of a real male hound dog? Let me explain... My mommy and daddy got upset because, after a run in our backyard, I came into the house with the scent of a "real dog." Yes... I rolled in that which shall not be named. I held my head high and my tail straight up in a proud position as I sauntered into the living room. I moseyed over to Daddy and proceeded to get some pets and ear scratches. It was then that Mommy looked at Daddy and said, "What is that smell?" (They think I don't understand when they talk--little do they know.) Daddy looked at the side of my face and, with a shout of "Ew!", realized the smell was emanating from my gorgeous hunk of male hound. She asked Mommy if she had any suggestions. Obviously, Mommy, who is always cleaning, said I needed to be washed. Now, what's a fella to do? Guys, tell me what would you do after you spent a glorious run in your backyard and had a frolicking moment of a lifetime?
Needless to say, Daddy washed certain areas of my body, but lucky me, the smell's not totally gone. Yesterday, which was the day after "the event," Mommy called and made an appointment for a complete grooming at the vet's office. I tried to think of ways to get out of this--like being cute, posing so that Daddy will take pictures of me and... well... just being me. This was my tactic so they'd forget, but I guess the smell is what did me in. Oh well. It ain't over to 'til the slightly overweight beagle sings. There's always another day.
Take care all my four-legged friends and remember... Buddy is THE MAN!