Sunday, November 18, 2012

My mommy....

Hello, everyone. Today, I want to talk about my mommy. I try not to let on to Daddy that Mommy is my favorite, but it's kind of obvious sometimes. Especially when they come home and I run (well as fast as I can move) to the door to greet them. If Daddy happens to be the first in the door, I move past her to get to Mommy to welcome her home. Daddy always says something like, "Oh, fine. I know where I rate." Then I trot over to Daddy who always gives me ear rubs despite saying, "Now you come to me." I think she gets it. I believe I've "imprinted" with Mommy and have since I was a young pup.

That's why it's been especially hard these past months. I think that's what I've heard Mommy and Daddy call the passage of time. As a dog, to me any passage of time seems like forever. But we'll go with "months." Mommy hasn't been herself. She was gone back in April forever (I think Daddy said a "week"). When she came home, Daddy wouldn't let me jump up on her. She kept saying, "No, Buddy... Mommy had surgery," when all I wanted to do was leap into my mommy's lap to let her know how much I missed her. But apparently "leaping" is a big no-no. I thought I'd eventually be allowed to leap in her lap, but then Mommy had an infection that lasted forever. The best I could do was some head pats and ear rubs while sitting beside her chair. Until yesterday. Yesterday was the first time I could be in her lap. I jumped up when she least expected it and she giggled. I knew then it was okay.

Mommy has had to rest a lot since her surgery. Sometimes, it's just been me and Daddy. Daddy has been sad. She told me about Mommy's cancer and Grandpa's too. I don't understand it all, only that cancer's a "bad thing." Kind of like when I hear "bad boy." Anything with "bad" in it can't be good. But I've licked Daddy's face when she's cried and it's seemed to help some. I've heard Daddy say that Friday is Mommy's last treatment and that is a "good thing." I love to hear "good boy," so I get it.

I want things to go back to the way they were, but I don't know if they ever will. What I do know is that I love Mommy very much. I love Daddy, too, but like I said, Mommy's my favorite. I've been surrounded by their love since I was a puppy. I know that will never change.....

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