I knew something was up when Daddy Chris drove me in the direction of the vet's office on Thursday. I thought I heard Dad and Mom discussing something about surgery for Daddy Chris on Friday morning. She had to stay overnight, so I figured that meant I was stuck at the kennel until Saturday.
When I came home with Mommy Phyllis, she told me to not jump up on Dad. I've been good. They should know by now that us beagles have a sense when our parents are hurt or sick. I overheard Mom telling Grandma and Grandpa over the phone that the surgery went well. The surgeon told Mom that she exc...exc...took out the lesion, plus some surrounding tissue. And something about the pathology report coming in early this week. I guess Mom takes Dad back to the surgeon on Thursday.
Poor Dad has been taking pain pills. She had a lot of trouble with the Anna something-or-nuther. It made her muscles really ache. She's having a hard time walking around even.
Anyway...I'm glad I'm home so I can help take care of Daddy Chris and Mommy Phyllis. Perhaps Mom's attention will be diverted enough that I can sneak a snack. Although I have to say I'm rather proud of the fact I lost 1.1 pounds. Heck! Mom acted like I won the Nobel Peace Prize. It's a good thing...I guess.
Thanks for the update Buddy!
You're welcome, Suzanne. Daddy was kinda tired, so I thought I'd help keep everyone posted.